Revalidation: Validating courses from universities outside the Anáhuac University Network
Validation Requirements

1.- Be admitted to the International University of Cancun.
Submit your admission application and receive acceptance results.
2.- Send the proper documents to your degree program.
At the university where you have studied, you will need to request the following documents:
- Academic record with grades (list of subjects you have completed and the grade you obtained in each one).
- Thematic content of each accredited subject (breakdown of topics and subtopics studied in each subject).
- Official certificate of partial study.
* You can request these documents at the Student Services area of your current educational institution.
3. - Sign the revalidation certificate
The Coordinator of your degree program will assess the documentation provided to determine which courses will be validated.
- Only courses with a passing grade above 8.0 will be considered for validation.
- The maximum number of courses that can be validated is 40% of the current curriculum.
The cost for the revalidation process is $2,370.00 MXN.
4. - Pay the registration fee
Pay the registration fee at the University cash desk using a credit/debit card or check.

5. Submit official documentation
- Birth certificate - original copy.
- Middle school certificate - original copy.
- High school diploma - original copy.
- Six black and white studio photographs (ID-sized).