Blog | Universidad Anáhuac Cancún

Anáhuac Cancun offers an Integral University Welcome to new students

Written by Anáhuac Cancun University | Feb 7, 2023 5:48:00 PM

The Anáhuac Cancun University (UAC) held the Integral University Welcome in January 2023 to receive with great enthusiasm more than 260 new students from 19 countries and 18 states of the Mexican Republic, a two-day event designed to introduce our new students to university life of this International Campus. 

The event began with the "Meeting with the President," an opening activity led by our highest authority, F. Jesús Quirce Andrés, L.C., who was accompanied at the table of honor by Javier Scheiman, President of the Federation of Alumni Societies (FESAL); Arturo Romero, student of the Bachelor's Degree in Communication, originally from Cancun; Angelica Morales, student of the Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology, originally from the State of Mexico and Rosa Katherine Juarez, student of the Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Design, originally from Peru.

During his speech, Javier Scheiman, President of FESAL, invited the students to approach and participate in the student societies and commented: "Your degree will be the result of years of experiences, laughter, challenges, friendships, experiences, and above all personal growth." Arturo Romero highlighted three essential elements for personal development: discipline and perseverance. Likewise, Angelica Morales invited her classmates to form a community and to make this experience the most incredible adventure of their lives. Finally, Rosa Katherine Juarez encouraged her classmates to take advantage of each lesson and to become the professionals they desired.

Jesús Quirce Andrés, L.C. welcomed everyone, highlighted the effort made by the young people and their families to study on this international campus, and especially recognized students from other states and countries. He mentioned that Anáhuac University offers an international university experience since they will live with young people from more than 43 nationalities, which represents a great richness by the integration of students from different places and diverse cultures, being this a great gift and a great opportunity that should take advantage of to the maximum. 

This semester students from countries such as Ecuador, Honduras, Perú, Guatemala, Venezuela, USA, Cuba, Nicaragua, Panama, Bolivia, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Philippines, Nigeria, Russia, Belize, Italy, and Turkey.

On the other hand, students from Mexico states such as Mexico City, Mexico State, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Puebla, San Luis Potosi, Tabasco, Veracruz, Chiapas, Sinaloa, Yucatan, Nuevo Leon, Sonora, South and North Baja California, Guerrero, and Hidalgo.

The President assured that Anáhuac Cancun University is committed to providing them with an integral formation composed of 5 dimensions: Professional, Intellectual, Human, Social, and Spiritual, the preparation that will form them to be leaders of positive action capable of transforming and facing challenges. 

Finally, our rector closed his speech by asking the young people to commit themselves in three aspects: to take advantage of all the experiences that the university offers by participating in everything possible, to maintain a positive attitude of enthusiasm, decision, and energy, and to commit themselves entirely to their education with sacrifice and dedication.

The new students entering in January 2023 join those who entered in August, adding up to a historical figure of 1,100 new students for the 2022-2023 school year, who will receive classes from a teaching staff made up of 15% international professors and will also live with 21% of the total enrollment of international students.

Semester by semester, Anáhuac Cancún University continues to take firm steps in its consolidation as an international campus, increasingly recognized in Latin America, as an institution that trains leaders of positive global action, capable of positively impacting the world, with their efforts and comprehensive academic training, based on Christian Humanism.