Our Module Library
This is Bldr Stndrd Edition
Bldr Stndrd was developed with an adaptable, scalable and easy to implement design system in mind.
- This module library contains all currently available modules, including some in Beta mode.
- Many of our modules have animation options and can be activated individually.
- None of the modules in this library use HubDB, but many of them can be modified to use it.
Theme Style Guide
This is the basic style guide that we use to set up the theme. This can be set up in the theme settings.
Text styles
Jumbo Title example
h1 Title example
h2 Title example
h3 Title example
h4 Title example
h5 Title example
h6 Title example
Paragraph. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar auctor leo ac mollis. Praesent lacinia tincidunt elit, a maximus arcu dignissim id. Fusce rutrum tincidunt this is a link.
This is a list example with bullets:
- Nunc interdum orci a tellus condimentum.
- Cras pulvinar accumsan augue eu eleifend.
- Ut interdum est lorem, et scelerisque turpis.
This is a blockquote. Donec non mi congue, condimentum velit id, dapibus sapien. Vestibulum in viverra odio. Praesent pellentesque eleifend ultricies. Integer rhoncus, diam ac blandit sodales, quam neque blandit enim, bibendum elementum massa sapien in enim.
Custom A
Custom B
Custom C
Buttons styles
Form styles
Title 1
Title 2
Title 3
Title 1
Title 2
Title 3
This is the title
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta nunc nec est mollis, eu mattis nisl elementum. Proin venenatis turpis eget vehicula consectetur.
This is a title
Contextual advertising can be profitable. It can either pay for your hosting and maintenance costs for you website or it can pay for a lot more.
Learn moreThis is a title
Contextual advertising can be profitable. It can either pay for your hosting and maintenance costs for you website or it can pay for a lot more.
Learn moreThis is a title
Contextual advertising can be profitable. It can either pay for your hosting and maintenance costs for you website or it can pay for a lot more.
Learn moreThis is a title
Contextual advertising can be profitable. It can either pay for your hosting and maintenance costs for you website or it can pay for a lot more.
Learn moreCards - Carousel
This is a title
Contextual advertising can be profitable. It can either pay for your hosting and maintenance costs for you website or it can pay for a lot more.
Learn moreThis is a title
Contextual advertising can be profitable. It can either pay for your hosting and maintenance costs for you website or it can pay for a lot more.
Learn moreThis is a title
Contextual advertising can be profitable. It can either pay for your hosting and maintenance costs for you website or it can pay for a lot more.
Learn moreThis is a title
Contextual advertising can be profitable. It can either pay for your hosting and maintenance costs for you website or it can pay for a lot more.
Learn moreThis is a title
Contextual advertising can be profitable. It can either pay for your hosting and maintenance costs for you website or it can pay for a lot more.
Learn moreCards with Hidden Info
Form - Card
Send us a message
Hero - Video Background
This module have to, ideally, use the full width section with 0px paddings and margins.
Hero - Slider
This module have to, ideally, use the full width section with 0px paddings and margins.
This is the title
Paragraph style. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec cursus et eros nec cursus. Aliquam ac turpis fringilla, rutrum massa non, placerat velit.
This is the title
Paragraph style. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec cursus et eros nec cursus. Aliquam ac turpis fringilla, rutrum massa non, placerat velit.
Two options: Icons on Top or Left
Icons - Cards
Two options: Icons on Top or Left
Logos - Carousel
Pricing cards
$19 usd
/ month - billed yearly
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nisl felis, tristique sit amet odio ut, mattis lobortis mauris.
- Fusce vel nisi volutpat
- Fringilla tortor id
- Vehicula diam
Nam a dapibus quam, at laoreet odio.
$19 usd
/ month - billed yearly
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nisl felis, tristique sit amet odio ut, mattis lobortis mauris.
- Fusce vel nisi volutpat
- Fringilla tortor id
- Vehicula diam
Nam a dapibus quam, at laoreet odio.
$19 usd
/ month - billed yearly
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nisl felis, tristique sit amet odio ut, mattis lobortis mauris.
- Fusce vel nisi volutpat
- Fringilla tortor id
- Vehicula diam
Nam a dapibus quam, at laoreet odio.
Product Title
Short product description
$10.00 usd
Product Title
Short product description
$10.00 usd
Product Title
Short product description
$10.00 usd
Product Title
Short product description
$10.00 usd
Product Title
Short product description
$10.00 usd
Product Title
Short product description
$10.00 usd
RSS Feed Cards
Search input
This is using the default HubSpot search functionality
Section Divider
This module have to, ideally, use the full width section with 0px paddings and margins.
Arrow down
Arrow up
Diagonal inverted
Wave Animated
Simple card
Lorem ipsum
Quisque egestas ligula in interdum finibus. Suspendisse pretium sed tortor ut tempor. Phasellus orci nisi, posuere nec massa eu, ultricies convallis risus. Sed eget nulla consectetur, hendrerit augue eget, congue urna.
- Nullam finibus velit at odio ullamcorper tincidunt.
- Sed purus ligula, imperdiet ac bibendum vel, gravida eu tortor.
- Integer eu viverra ante. Nam elit dolor, rhoncus sit amet purus vel, tincidunt eleifend turpis.
Simple Chart
You have 4 options: Bar, Horizontal Bar, Pie and Doughnut
Stats Counter
Steps - Cards
This is a title
Contextual advertising can be profitable.
This is a title
Contextual advertising can be profitable.
This is a title
Contextual advertising can be profitable.
This is a title
Contextual advertising can be profitable.
You have 2 options: Tabs on top or left side
- Tab 1 title
- Tab 1 title
- Tab 2 title
- Tab 3 title
Quisque egestas ligula in interdum finibus.
Suspendisse pretium sed tortor ut tempor. Phasellus orci nisi, posuere nec massa eu, ultricies convallis risus. Sed eget nulla consectetur, hendrerit augue eget, congue urna.
- Nullam finibus velit at odio ullamcorper tincidunt.
- Sed purus ligula, imperdiet ac bibendum vel, gravida eu tortor.
- Integer eu viverra ante. Nam elit dolor, rhoncus sit amet purus vel, tincidunt eleifend turpis.
Quisque egestas ligula in interdum finibus.
Suspendisse pretium sed tortor ut tempor. Phasellus orci nisi, posuere nec massa eu, ultricies convallis risus. Sed eget nulla consectetur, hendrerit augue eget, congue urna.
- Nullam finibus velit at odio ullamcorper tincidunt.
- Sed purus ligula, imperdiet ac bibendum vel, gravida eu tortor.
- Integer eu viverra ante. Nam elit dolor, rhoncus sit amet purus vel, tincidunt eleifend turpis.
Quisque egestas ligula in interdum finibus.
Suspendisse pretium sed tortor ut tempor. Phasellus orci nisi, posuere nec massa eu, ultricies convallis risus. Sed eget nulla consectetur, hendrerit augue eget, congue urna.
- Nullam finibus velit at odio ullamcorper tincidunt.
- Sed purus ligula, imperdiet ac bibendum vel, gravida eu tortor.
- Integer eu viverra ante. Nam elit dolor, rhoncus sit amet purus vel, tincidunt eleifend turpis.
- Tab 1 title
- Tab 1 title
- Tab 2 title
- Tab 3 title
Quisque egestas ligula in interdum finibus.
Suspendisse pretium sed tortor ut tempor. Phasellus orci nisi, posuere nec massa eu, ultricies convallis risus. Sed eget nulla consectetur, hendrerit augue eget, congue urna.
- Nullam finibus velit at odio ullamcorper tincidunt.
- Sed purus ligula, imperdiet ac bibendum vel, gravida eu tortor.
- Integer eu viverra ante. Nam elit dolor, rhoncus sit amet purus vel, tincidunt eleifend turpis.
Quisque egestas ligula in interdum finibus.
Suspendisse pretium sed tortor ut tempor. Phasellus orci nisi, posuere nec massa eu, ultricies convallis risus. Sed eget nulla consectetur, hendrerit augue eget, congue urna.
- Nullam finibus velit at odio ullamcorper tincidunt.
- Sed purus ligula, imperdiet ac bibendum vel, gravida eu tortor.
- Integer eu viverra ante. Nam elit dolor, rhoncus sit amet purus vel, tincidunt eleifend turpis.
Quisque egestas ligula in interdum finibus.
Suspendisse pretium sed tortor ut tempor. Phasellus orci nisi, posuere nec massa eu, ultricies convallis risus. Sed eget nulla consectetur, hendrerit augue eget, congue urna.
- Nullam finibus velit at odio ullamcorper tincidunt.
- Sed purus ligula, imperdiet ac bibendum vel, gravida eu tortor.
- Integer eu viverra ante. Nam elit dolor, rhoncus sit amet purus vel, tincidunt eleifend turpis.
Testimonial - Cards
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s
Roberto Pacheco
Instrumental Group
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s
Roberto Pacheco
Instrumental Group
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s
Roberto Pacheco
Instrumental Group
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s
Roberto Pacheco
Instrumental Group
Testimonial - Carousel
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s
Roberto Pacheco
Instrumental GroupLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s
Roberto Pacheco
Instrumental GroupLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s
Roberto Pacheco
Instrumental Group